Tuesday, October 28, 2008

quote of the day (oct 28, 2008)

A bore is a man who deprives you of solitude without providing you with company

Monday, October 27, 2008

cute cats

made up words poem

Deep in a forest there lives an evilkillerous
The evilkillerous was a terrible beast
With dripping fangs and face melting breath
In this forest also lives a killerdom
Don’t let the name fool you
For the killerdom is the nicest beast in the forest
The killerdom protects the jurbles
The jurbles are a peaceful, small creature
They dance every night to the sounds of the night
The killerdom protects the jurbles as they do the puck dance
They twibble and twirl, but never strand too far away
For if they do the evilkillerous shall have his next meal

quote of the day (oct 27, 2008)

Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you’re scared to death

Friday, October 24, 2008

quote of the day (oct 24, 2008)

If at first you don’t succeed destroy all evidence that you tried

Thursday, October 23, 2008

quote of the day (oct 23, 2008)

Everyone should have kids. They are the greatest joy in the world. But they are also terrorists. You’ll realize this as soon as they are born, and they start using sleep deprivation to break you.

is this good or bad?

an assassin with a basket of fruit...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

pros poem

A shriek of terror fills the air. A crimson stained blade catches moonlight. Gasping for breath he attempts to crawl away. The stained blade crosses his path. He looks into his tormentors eyes, silently begging. The sinister blade sinks deep into a broken skull. One last breath passes his lips and his eyes dim. The blade disappears and the tormentor vanishes.

quote of the day (oct 22, 2008)

Skill is successfully walking a tightrope over Niagara Falls. Intelligence is not trying.

Monday, October 20, 2008

quote of the day (oct 20, 2008)

Get your facts first. Then you can distort them as you please

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

quote of the day (oct 15, 2008)

Complaining is good for you as long as you're not complaining to the person your complaining about

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

quote of the day (oct 14, 2008)

Between two evils I always pick the one I never tried before

quote of the day (oct 13, 2008)

A scout troop consists of twelve little kids dressed like schmucks following a big schmuck dressed like a kid.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Waiting in my field of dreams
Silently watching my blue sky turn grey
I know no one can hear my screams
My nightmares begging me to stay

I know if I run they will give chase
I know if I hide they will seek
I stay with my emotionless face
The sun never shall I glance a peek

My will has been shattered
My mind clouded over in mist
My body is bruised and battered
Will I be remembered, will I even be missed

I suddenly rise, my skin cold to feel
I look around and my nightmare is real

Friday, October 10, 2008


Alone with my pain
Alone with my hate
Alone with my suffering
Alone with my torment
Alone with my fears
Alone, always alone


A broken heart never heals
A plagued mind never rests
With wounded pride and broken bones
And hatred to devour my soul


Tears of joy
Tears of pain
Tears of sorrow
I shed none for joy
Nor for sorrow or pain
Only tears of rage

quote of the day (oct 10, 2008)

Whoever said nothings impossible never tried to nail jell-o to a tree

Thursday, October 9, 2008

haiku haiku

It’s hard to think of
What to write for a haiku.
scanning for signal

food haiku

Food, food, food, food, Hmmm…
What can I say about food?
Essential to life

gossip haiku

Did you hear the news?
Your worthless clucking ends here
Duct tape works wonders

school haiku

School is a prison
No bars or electric chairs
But just as crowded

sports haiku

I’m not fond of sports
Professionals on steroids
Doesn’t interest me

quote of the day (oct 9, 2008)

Everything is drive through; in California they have a burial service called ‘jump in the box’

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

quote of the day (oct 8, 2008)

Always forgive your enemy, nothing annoys them so much

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

my favorite apples to apples cards (top 65)

Spontaneous combustion- the ignition of substances without application of an external heat source. (A good plot for the x-files)

Getting a hug- Hmmmm…nice

House guests- How many visitors does it take to drive you crazy? Go on- take a guest!

Meatloaf- Large and intimidating—(the dish not the singer!)

Pirates- “yo, ho, yo, ho, a pirates life for me

Dark alleys- Don’t go there!


A morgue- given strange eons, even death may die (H.P. Lovecraft)

A school cafeteria- food fight!

Kilts- if Mel Gibson can wear one, so can you.

Television- one-hundred and sixty-four channels and nothing worth watching

Spilled milk- got milk? WHOOPS apparently not…

Vampires- legendary blood sucking monsters.

Flying monkeys- the reason why the wizard of oz still gives us nightmares

Spiders- there are more than 34,000 species of spiders. Try not to think about THAT right before bedtime.

Gossip- petty, backbiting, rumor-mongering, (see also: journalism)

Chickens- from incubator to rotisserie in 56 days. (run chickn run!)

A haunted house- maybe if people would STOP building their dream homes on ancient burial grounds…

Scene of the crime- it was colonel mustard, in the library, with the candlestick.

Canadians- how many Canadians does it take to screw in a light bulb? Fifteen, fourteen to chip it out of the ice, and one to screw it in.

My family- they’ll drive you nuts. As long as you do the same to them, it’s all even.

Doing the dishes- you wash, I’ll watch.

Cleaning the bathroom- it’s YOUR turn!

Lawyers- we’d throw some joke in here, but were afraid of getting sued.

Summer camp- if the bugs don’t get you, the poison ivy will!

Duct tape- all purpose…all of the time…

Stephen king- 1947- American author of horror novels who’s sold more than 100 million copies of his books. Talk about frightening…

Tree huggers- environmentalists to the left, wackos to the right

My boss- …is an idiot. You know it, we know it.

Cell phones- get off the phone or get off the road!

A crawl space- where you’ll find something the cat dragged in.

My bedroom- no one knows what goes on behind closed doors

My body- mine is a temple- specifically the temple of doom…

Skiing- Swiss for suicide

The end of the world- it’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine…

My refrigerator- it’s a science experiment!

Trailer parks- also known as tornado magnets

Hand grenades- close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades!

Count Dracula- I vant to suck your blood!

Chameleons- the chameleon is a lizard that changes color when frightened (or is that a politician)

Computer hackers- we didn’t mean to shut down the entire government…

Reading a book- so many books, so little time

Going to the dentist- this wont hurt a bit…

Parenting- the process of discovering you are becoming just like your parents

At my parents house- like never-never land, your never seen as an adult here

Conspiracy theories- oh, that was just a coincidence!

Cults- they seemed nice…

Toasted marshmallows- how do you like yours- golden brown or flaming?

Toasters- wait- don’t stick that fork in there!

Batman- how does batman’s mother call him home? “dinner, dinner, dinner, dinner, dinner, dinner, dinner, dinner- BATMAN!

Castles- kings, queens, knights in shining armor, and little square hamburgers

Grave robbers- famous for their bodies of work

Mosquitoes- they suck

Jack the ripper- accused of murdering six women in 1888 and suspected in other murders. Still at large.

The KKK- if they’re supposed to be the master race, why do they keep misspelling “clan”?

Brains- vital to human existence and mad scientists

Leeches- any mention of lawyers, agents, or reporters would be FAR too easy…

Family reunions- just to remind you why you moved away in the first place…

The mafia- a loose association of criminal groups, bound to a blood oath and sworn to secrecy. (of course now we have to kill you)

Ghost towns- population unknown

Cold pizza- the breakfast of champions

Babies- little bundles of joy…who needs sleep anyway?

A sunset- the sun never set on the British empire…because god didn’t trust the English in the dark.

Clowns- they would be really funny if they weren’t so darn scary.

Hooligans- hey kids! Get outta my yard!

quote of the day (oct 7, 2008)

If you’re one in a million, there are six thousand people exactly like you


Alone on the lake
Sinister in the moonlight
Clutching to darkness


The sun shines for none
For it is a selfish thing
The moon shines brighter


Escape the darkness
Within its walls you slumber
Arise and be gone

sweet sorrow

Flowers in a field
Covering a barren tomb
What was there now gone


Desperation mine
No escape for the wicked
Mine and mine alone

Monday, October 6, 2008


Ruler of the underworld
Weighing the human heart
You against a block of virtue
Your own heart now upon the scale


I see you
You can’t see me
I see what you are
I see what you make yourself
I see your ups
I see your downs
You can’t see me
I can see through another’s eyes
I can make your life pleasant
I can make it miserable
You turn
Something’s watching you
But you still can’t see me

quote of the day (oct 6, 2008)

Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate

Thursday, October 2, 2008

quote of the day (october 2)

come to the dark side...we have cookies!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

quote of the day (october 1)

If you’re too open minded your brains will fall out