Tuesday, November 25, 2008

guilty until proven dead

This morning was calm
I arose, planning on doing what is normal
But then they came
They called me guilty of an unknown crime
They dragged me away as my family watched
What I had done
I saw the chair and its hundreds of spikes
I struggled in their hold; I knew what was to come
They forced me into the chair
Strapping me in as the many spikes tore into my flesh
The questions came and I had no answers
I took the pain, never once did I cry out
They called me Satanist and took me out of the chair
Hundreds of tiny wounds bleeding sluggishly as I stood

What did I do?
They chained me to a wall
The leather and chain whips were removed from their hangers
The questions came and I had no answers
Time lost all meaning
My flesh was torn and broken
They accused me, called me murderer
I did not break and I was unhinged from the wall
To be strapped to a table instead
What happened next I wish not to speak of
For the torturer chose the pear of anguish from his arsenal of devices

What did I do?
The pain unbearable now, I can barely stand it
I screamed for mercy but they did not stop
My mind, body, and soul were coming apart at the seams
Finally broken yet I had not confessed
They became angry, but the torturer was pleased

He came to me early one day
Told me it was my last
He told me how fond of me he was
I had lasted longer than any of the others
I had screamed louder than them
I did not beg for death like them
He still spoke of this fondness as he led me to my end

quote of the day (nov 25, 2008)

Children really brighten up a household- They never turn the lights off.

i am may

I am a month
The fifth in the line of twelve
I am the constellation that determines a mood
I am Gemini the constellation of twins
I am Taurus the bull full of ignorance
I am the flowers that start to bloom when frost vanishes
I am the birds singing their songs for all to hear
I am new life born to loving mothers
I am rain showers that quench thirst
I am the laughter of childrenI am May, the month of new life

i used to be

I used to be an angel
Living in bright light
But now I am
A fallen angel
Living in dark shadows

diamond poems

White, beautiful
Singing, dancing, glowing
Snow, sugar, crystals, diamonds
Darkening, killing, dying
Soulless, black

Crimson, warmth
Flowing, dripping, falling
Blood, wrath, fear, destruction
Drying, stopping, chilling
Cold, icy

Hard, punishment
Burning, thrashing, screaming
Torture, blood, hopelessness, tears
Stilling, staggering, falling
Empty, devoid

Controls, weak
Running, hiding, avoiding
Darkness, death, plague, tormentors
Standing, smiling, laughing
Strong, seeking

Alone, scared
Trembling, crying, calling
Dread, cold, depressed, fallen
Smiling, dancing, laughing
Happy, warm

ABC poem

After the day is gone they fearfully rise, clutching
Blankets and covered in
Cold sweat
Darkness brings out what they fear
Evening is sunless, hopeless
Failure to stop trembling
Greatly alerting the senses
Hearts pound so loud
It’s almost hurting my ears
Just a little more and the screams start
Keeping their cries close
Loosing to the sun
My day is done
Next to me in a room all too bright
Others take over
Part of me, father time dares not
Question me
Respectful I am to father
Someday I will have the power to rise above him, for I am the
Time keeper’s daughter
Unknown to the world, I am invisible
Vital to the world of nightmares and dreamscapes
Without them the world will not dream or be tormented
Xeric desert
Yielding to the sun and rising with the moon
Zinnia and tiger lilies never shall I see, only moon vine and night blooming cereus will be mine

human raised devils

After the sun sets darkness
Beacons him
Calls him to venture
Ever watchful waiting
Fallen light
Gorging upon the flesh of the slain
Healthy, filled with blood
Insightful to the darkness
Joyful, drunk on fear
Making the
Nightmares that consume the peace
Of dreams
Peering into the evils of a mortal mind
Quivering, shaking
Reeking of hatred
Steely eyes, murderous in daylight
Talking with demons in the dark
Useful guardian of young devils; Teaching
Valuable skills, mouths
Wet with blood; sleep calls them; the human whom they call
Xaro smiles as his lessons fill their minds
Yet he knows when they grow up they will leave; his favorite whom he named
Zorono, he prays will return; even if it is to destroy him.

After years of raising night devils
Before he dies; Xaro had but one wish; to see his favorite
Creature of the night once more; the little
Demon he called Zorono grew up and left like all the rest
Ever since that dreadful day his life ended; he didn’t mean to get attached to the
Fiend, but it happened; his heart broke
Grief flooded his mind
Hatred for the rest of the night fiends
Ignited his passions to destroy them; insanity
Jolted his now fragile mind
Killing more in frenzied attacks
Lacking the ability to cease
Never sated; he wandered again
Only to see the face that haunted his dreams
Paralyzed by the sight, his clouded mind cleared
Quieting his
Rage and desire to kill
Said fiend approached the one that raised him
Ten thousand fires burned behind glowing eyes
Unless the demon remembered him he would surely be destroyed
Venturing a risk Xaro reached out and let his arms encircle Zorono; he
Willed the pain of Zorono’s fangs away as they embedded themselves into
Xaro’s flesh; he had his wish granted and surrendered to death
Yearning to see one more time, he ripped the fangs away and stared into the burning eyes
Zorono, now enraged tore the flesh from Xaro’s bones and whispered one sinister goodbye

Friday, November 21, 2008

quote of the day (nov 21, 2008)

It’s not cheating unless you get caught

dark and light

A soul pure as snow meets a soul whose hue is darker than a moonless night

The dark one disguises himself and politely speaks with the light

The light, lost in sweet speech cannot see the façade at hand

The dark draws a poison and hides it with ease. Cold scales tingle against darks skin

The light talks cheerily, letting a scream escape when silted eyes meet with eyes of light

Dark smiles wickedly and bids light farewell

Light cries, eyes clouding in confusion as poison is delivered. Pain shakes light and light falls

Dark laughter fills still air as a crimson pool surrounds a darkening light

poetic charades

Biting through every protective layer
Causing you to curl up
Though there’s no stopping it
Being numbed
It makes you shiver

Thursday, November 20, 2008

no title for it

Once upon a sunny day
As I lay upon the hay

I watched the clouds drift by
In their journey across the sky

I fell asleep, when I do not know
Something wet feel from the sky, snow?

I opened my eyes and saw the hay red
The sight alone filled me with dread

A stranger with a crimson stained knife
The corpse beside him, he had already taken a life

Disguised in a hood of midnight black on his head
His eyes filled with fire, burning red

My heart raced and my adrenalin rushed
As I tried to stand my windpipe was crushed

His hand on my throat, his knife at his side
Nowhere to go and nowhere to hide

The fire from the torch, the only light
As day passed to night

I lose all hope, to death I am going
Losing consciousness as my air stops flowing

Still and cold I feel at peace
Yet the nightmare refuses to cease

I awake, someone’s shaking me
Shocked I’m still breathing, didn’t he kill me?

To a tree I’m tied
My fear is rising but my nerves are fried

The stranger sits calmly observing me
My blood boils, twisting my wrists against the rough bark of the tree

He slowly walks over, his knife in tow
His intentions I do not know

His hand rests on the side of my face
He smiles at me, wrath gone without a trace

quote of the day (nov 20, 2008)

Asking a writer what he thinks about critics is like asking a lamppost how it feels about dogs

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

quote of the day (nov 19, 2008)

I could tell that my parents hated me. My bath toys were a toaster and a radio


Fighting against my greatest enemy
Fighting an impossible battle
Fighting for my life

Trying to keep my heart calm
Trying to overpower my friend turned foe
Trying to keep my sanity

Losing to my confusion and terror
Losing to my friend who betrayed me
Losing to my shattered heart

Lying on the frozen ground
Lying in a puddle of my chilled blood
Lying to my heart

Crying as my life flashes by
Crying as my friend’s voice fills my head
Crying as I fall to despair

Falling as my cold hand is covered by warmth
Falling as warm tears splatter my still form
Falling as my world fades

paper cut

Oh blank piece of paper
What shall I do with you?
Make a paper airplane?
Draw a masterpiece?
Write beautiful poetry?
Of just throw you away!?

Monday, November 17, 2008

quote of the day (nov 17, 2008)

When children are doing nothing, they are doing mischief.

Friday, November 14, 2008

quote of the day (nov 14, 2008)

Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so

Thursday, November 13, 2008

quote of the day (nov 13, 2008)

Never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

quote of the day (nov 12, 2008)

I don’t think my parents liked me. They put a live teddy bear in my crib

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

quote of the day (nov 11, 2008)

Some have been thought to be brave because they were afraid to run away

Friday, November 7, 2008

quote of the day (nov 7, 2008)

If you don’t believe in ghosts then you’ve never been to a family reunion

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Air thick and heavy thousands of
lightless eyes staring back
at you scavenger birds hovering in
a crimson sky battle cries
still ring screams of agony hauntingly
follow crimson covered hands begin
to itch as a crimson blade sings victory
has been achieved you look onto
the unmoving fallen.
Was it worth it?

quote of the day (nov 6, 2008)

I have lost confidence in myself; I have the universe against me

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


The leather strikes flesh
The flesh is bruised then torn
Red lines run down my back
The burning strings that weave themselves around me
Everyone I know is watching
Every one of them glad it isn’t them
They try not to laugh at me
I refuse to look their way
I am holding back tears of humiliation

quote of the day (nov 5, 2008)

To be clever enough to get all that money, one must be stupid enough to want it

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

quote of the day (nov 4, 2008)

Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect

Monday, November 3, 2008

quote of the day (nov 3, 2008)

I have discovered that all human evil comes from this; man’s being unable to sit still in a room