Tuesday, November 25, 2008

guilty until proven dead

This morning was calm
I arose, planning on doing what is normal
But then they came
They called me guilty of an unknown crime
They dragged me away as my family watched
What I had done
I saw the chair and its hundreds of spikes
I struggled in their hold; I knew what was to come
They forced me into the chair
Strapping me in as the many spikes tore into my flesh
The questions came and I had no answers
I took the pain, never once did I cry out
They called me Satanist and took me out of the chair
Hundreds of tiny wounds bleeding sluggishly as I stood

What did I do?
They chained me to a wall
The leather and chain whips were removed from their hangers
The questions came and I had no answers
Time lost all meaning
My flesh was torn and broken
They accused me, called me murderer
I did not break and I was unhinged from the wall
To be strapped to a table instead
What happened next I wish not to speak of
For the torturer chose the pear of anguish from his arsenal of devices

What did I do?
The pain unbearable now, I can barely stand it
I screamed for mercy but they did not stop
My mind, body, and soul were coming apart at the seams
Finally broken yet I had not confessed
They became angry, but the torturer was pleased

He came to me early one day
Told me it was my last
He told me how fond of me he was
I had lasted longer than any of the others
I had screamed louder than them
I did not beg for death like them
He still spoke of this fondness as he led me to my end

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