Tuesday, September 30, 2008

my sestina

Rising again to the torture
Across your face arms and legs, dry blood
Trembling in your chains you feel nothing but fear
Wishing desperately wishing you could run
This terrible pain you wish to escape
We are the dead

We are the dead
Agonizing torture
Crying out with no escape
Pouring new rivers of crimson blood
Mocking laughter and the need to run
To disappear to hide from your fear

The pain and laughter leaves you shaking in fear
We are the dead
There is nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide from this torture
This punishment we must bear for the sins of others, spilling betrayal and life blood
No relief no end to the torment and no escape

Running out of fear
Drowning in our own blood
We are the dead
Lost in never ending torture
Unable to run

Yet still you wish you could run
Knowing there is no escape
Whimpering softly in mild fear
We are the dead
Crimson wounds providing little blood

Skin pale, empty, no more blood
No more desire to run
We are the dead
No more need to escape
Emotionless, feeling no fear
Painless torture

Lost in sweet dreams we have escaped
Free to run
The end of torture

quote of the day (september 30)

before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. after that who cares? ...he's a mile away and you've got his shoes.
--Billy Connolly

we the demonic

Grieving and crying
Hunted and destroyed
Out of sight out of mind
Screaming with crimson regret
Tremors rattle the soul
Searching for safety

Monday, September 29, 2008

quote of the day

i despise people who own dogs. theyre just cowards who havent got the guts to bite people themselves.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

water sports

Misery on a plank
Salty liquid fills your mouth
A violent struggle
Fixed in suspended animation
Light slowly fading
Lungs threatening to explode
You watch in curious horror
As your body sinks into an abyss
You reach out to grasp the sinking object
It slips through transparent fingers
A wide fearful look burns into memory
Light fading as you follow
Alone now in darkness
On a sandy bed you lay
Lifeless eyes staring back at you
You never got to say goodbye

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

battle of thine

Deep within you know
Escape is futile
Still you try
Pleading in a useless fight
Escape is futile
Repeating your plea
As stinging tears run freely
Tormentors gleeful
Into an abyss you fall
Out of time and space
Never to return to the place you call home

hold on

Don’t turn out the light
Escape the inevitable
Alter reality
Think no more
Holding on by a thread

a no title poem

Many a nothing comes to mind
Out of ideas
Useless arguments
Nothing but a blank
Tumbling into the chasm of insanity
All is lost
Into the abyss
Nothing but darkness

random three

All is crimson
Gushing from open wounds
Outlasting the happiness
Never ending screams fill the air
Yearning for an escape

Liquid fire
Outstretched limbs consumed by black flame
Otherworldly screams fill the air
Death is sweet oblivion

Battered and bruised
Lakes of crimson liquid form
Onlookers laugh
Openly upon seeing your broken exposed soul
Dread fills your nearly unconscious heart


Everyone has a price
Never ending wants consume
Vital signs ignored
Yearning for something you cant have

Leather and lace
Urges and persuades
Stealing pieces of your soul
Tearing at hearts

Great yet horrible things
Reaches out to your weak heart
Easy prey
Easily fooled and corrupted
Destroying all you hold dear

War and pain tears the soul
Rage stirs in the heart
Agony burns it to ash
Ties of love severed
Hatred rules all

Great horrible astonishment
Leering words
Ultimate demise
Taking all
Only loyal to one
Never resting hunger
Yearning to consume us

Practice makes perfect
Reaching for the stars and succeeding
Idolizing oneself
Dropping covers on the rest
Eternal lies

Slow to respond
Longing for silence
Outside has no thrill
Treatment is no option
Hovering in suspended animation

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

free write poem

There is a thing called free write, a stressful exercise
You are the grand prize winner of headaches and hand cramps

The stress starts about thirty seconds in
When you run out of things to write
Then the pain kicks in
Only a little, nothing more

One minute in and your mind will wander
You get back on track, not for long
More pain comes your way
This time it’s not just a little tap

One minute thirty seconds you’re repeating one line
‘I can’t think of anything’
The pain is always there now and one more line
‘Make it stop’

Two minutes in your mind starts to weaken
Running out of paper and hand coordination
The burning and the ache are stronger now
Your writing is unreadable even to you

Two and a half minutes and the teacher calls thirty seconds to go
Your mushy brain is relieved and still writing one sentence
Your hands are throwing a fit and screaming at you to stop
But you can’t until the teacher allows the torture to end

Stop, the teacher calls. Relief is swept around the room
Yes people I timed her, three minutes is what I counted though I my have lost track
The rapid hand stops and the intense pain turns into a dull thudding ache
You relax momentarily, weary hands needing the break

“Round 2!” the teacher yells
Back to the headaches and back to the pain
Only we predict the second round will be worse
We were not mistaken

extended metaphor

Mothers at night

The forest is like a playground
Sand soft to the touch slips between nimble hands
Tall trees challenge the curious and brave
An intertwining jungle gym of branches casts checkered shadows
Various children laugh and yell in the moonlight
Weary parents keep watch

A young kitsune plays happily in a cool stream
His mother ever ready to protect her angel
A draconian babe eagerly climbs into the high canopy
His mother smiling as he ascends
A centaur child plays tag, weaving about the trees
Her father letting her win
A damphir silently watches the stream, hypnotized by the waters motion
His human mother lovingly keeping an eye on her vampire child
A dull snap, a familiar scent
Mothers quickly gather their small joys and disappear

The hunter curses as he moves forward into the wood
For many nights he has heard the noise
For many nights he has sought to kill the source
Only to fail for making an amateurs mistake

the complicated no good villanelle i made in class

Mocking laugher makes you twitch
The masked face you know is sneering
Open cuts bring your body to a burning itch

Your tormentor’s voice digging you a ditch
Tears roll freely as you can only sit fearing
Mocking laughter makes you twitch

Pain shakes your body; your breath comes to hitch
No hope and wishing you had no sense of hearing
Open cuts bring your body to a burning itch

Your stomach lurches but there’s nothing to pitch
Your mind wanders to serenity, a grassy clearing
Mocking laugher makes you twitch

A knife runs down your cheek, you involuntarily flinch
Brought back to reality, your tormentor sneering
Open cuts bring your body to a burning itch

Vision fades, mind frozen over, last breath passing with a pained hitch
Death is no longer worth fearing
Mocking laugher makes you twitch
Open cuts bring your body to a burning itch

tonight is

Tonight is a werewolf’s cry

Tonight is the banshees shriek

Tonight is a chimaeras call

Tonight is the vampires whisper

Tonight is a sirens song

Tonight is the hydras roar

Tonight is a harpies scream

Tonight is the elves laughter

Tonight is a demons joy

Meanwhile a mortal world anxiously awaits sunrise