Tuesday, September 23, 2008

the complicated no good villanelle i made in class

Mocking laugher makes you twitch
The masked face you know is sneering
Open cuts bring your body to a burning itch

Your tormentor’s voice digging you a ditch
Tears roll freely as you can only sit fearing
Mocking laughter makes you twitch

Pain shakes your body; your breath comes to hitch
No hope and wishing you had no sense of hearing
Open cuts bring your body to a burning itch

Your stomach lurches but there’s nothing to pitch
Your mind wanders to serenity, a grassy clearing
Mocking laugher makes you twitch

A knife runs down your cheek, you involuntarily flinch
Brought back to reality, your tormentor sneering
Open cuts bring your body to a burning itch

Vision fades, mind frozen over, last breath passing with a pained hitch
Death is no longer worth fearing
Mocking laugher makes you twitch
Open cuts bring your body to a burning itch

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