Tuesday, September 23, 2008

extended metaphor

Mothers at night

The forest is like a playground
Sand soft to the touch slips between nimble hands
Tall trees challenge the curious and brave
An intertwining jungle gym of branches casts checkered shadows
Various children laugh and yell in the moonlight
Weary parents keep watch

A young kitsune plays happily in a cool stream
His mother ever ready to protect her angel
A draconian babe eagerly climbs into the high canopy
His mother smiling as he ascends
A centaur child plays tag, weaving about the trees
Her father letting her win
A damphir silently watches the stream, hypnotized by the waters motion
His human mother lovingly keeping an eye on her vampire child
A dull snap, a familiar scent
Mothers quickly gather their small joys and disappear

The hunter curses as he moves forward into the wood
For many nights he has heard the noise
For many nights he has sought to kill the source
Only to fail for making an amateurs mistake

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