Tuesday, September 30, 2008

my sestina

Rising again to the torture
Across your face arms and legs, dry blood
Trembling in your chains you feel nothing but fear
Wishing desperately wishing you could run
This terrible pain you wish to escape
We are the dead

We are the dead
Agonizing torture
Crying out with no escape
Pouring new rivers of crimson blood
Mocking laughter and the need to run
To disappear to hide from your fear

The pain and laughter leaves you shaking in fear
We are the dead
There is nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide from this torture
This punishment we must bear for the sins of others, spilling betrayal and life blood
No relief no end to the torment and no escape

Running out of fear
Drowning in our own blood
We are the dead
Lost in never ending torture
Unable to run

Yet still you wish you could run
Knowing there is no escape
Whimpering softly in mild fear
We are the dead
Crimson wounds providing little blood

Skin pale, empty, no more blood
No more desire to run
We are the dead
No more need to escape
Emotionless, feeling no fear
Painless torture

Lost in sweet dreams we have escaped
Free to run
The end of torture

1 comment:

Sam:) said...

very dark and jessie-like.
I like it